Dec 23, 2021
'#dalpakwanrecipe#sindhidalpakwan#Hiteasnackrecipe #streetfoodofulhasnagar #sindhistreetfood #indianvegetarianrecipe#sindhicuisine#sindhirecipe#sindhibreakfastrecipe #dalrecipe#chanadalrecipe Dal pakwan is popular Sindhi breakfast nd can b relished for lunch also I hv shown 3styles of serving ..the way it is served for breakfast,then as hitea snack nd as starter for mocktails nd cocktails...it\'s super tasty nd pakwans r fried Nacho like made from all purpose flour called maida...pakwans can b fried nd kept for a week in airtight container..it is tangy,spicy(spice it according to ur taste how much spicy u want)chatpatta street food also'
Tags: #dal pakwan#sindhi breakfast recipe#sindhi dal pakwan
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